Orange County Domestic Violence Lawyer

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Orange County Domestic Violence Attorney

The Hatherley Firm helps victims of domestic violence obtain restraining orders, protect their rights, and seek justice against their abusers. The firm also represents those falsely accused of domestic violence. If you require restraining order services, you can rely on the services of our Orange County domestic violence lawyer to help you in court. The Hatherley Firm has assisted many clients in obtaining the protections they need during family court proceedings.

Orange County Domestic Violence Lawyer

Why Choose The Hatherley Firm?

The success of your efforts to seek a restraining order to fight abuse allegations could have serious implications for your family court case. Our founding attorney is a Certified Family Law Specialist who understands how domestic violence allegations can impact family law cases.

The Hatherley Firm focuses on family court cases, and we are as comfortable in the courtroom as we are working with opposing counsel to resolve areas of disagreement. Our founding attorney has a strong knowledge of the law and exceptional communication skills.

If you are looking for legal representation that maintains high ethical standards and always puts its clients’ interests first, look no further than The Hatherley Firm. We are here to guide you through every step of the legal process with integrity and dedication.

Common Examples of Domestic Violence in Orange County

Domestic violence deals with cases where the suspect and victim are related or have a close relationship of some kind. Often, these relationships are romantic in nature, such as between a boyfriend and girlfriend, a married couple, or divorced former spouses.

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is one common allegation that can lead to domestic violence criminal charges. Abuse can be from hitting, slapping, punching, pushing, and other physical forms of violence. Emotional or psychological abuse is another form of harm that can lead to domestic violence charges. Examples could include one person intimidating, threatening, or manipulating someone else to control their actions or feelings.

Economic Abuse

Economic abuse is another form of domestic abuse that is gaining attention. When one partner uses finances to control the other partner, this can create emotional and psychological harm to the person whose finances are constrained. Withholding money could be used as a form of punishment, manipulation, or control.


Stalking is another category that can lead to domestic violence charges. Repeatedly following or harassing someone in a way that causes fear or distress can lead to a restraining order in domestic violence situations.

Social media can also have a role in stalking charges. Although following someone on social media alone may not be stalking, monitoring someone else’s social media feeds when they have asked you to stop could be. It can definitely be a factor that law enforcement considers when deciding whether there is probable cause for arresting someone for domestic violence.

How Domestic Violence Allegations Can Affect Your Case

Domestic violence is a criminal charge, so it is not handled through family courts. Allegations of domestic violence can have significant implications for your family court case, though.

When setting temporary orders for child custody, a judge may consider factors such as current criminal charges or past criminal charge convictions when determining when parents can see their children.

Restraining Orders

A restraining order may be set on someone who is facing domestic violence charges. Restraining orders limit who the defendant can come near or contact. Restraining orders are intended to add an extra layer of protection for someone who is credibly concerned that they are in danger.

A restraining order can also be issued by a court, even when the defendant is not facing criminal charges. If you are the petitioner in a restraining order case, your attorney can guide you through the process of seeking protection from your former partner through the courts.

If you are the defendant who has a restraining order placed on you, having legal representation can be crucial. Without the aid of a knowledgeable attorney, you may lose visitation access to your children, or the courts may order that you undergo supervised visitations. Judges have the discretion to view individuals with restraining orders or criminal charges as a potential danger to their children.


How Do I Get a Restraining Order Dismissed in California?

If you received a restraining order, you can hire an attorney who can speak to a judge about the order. When presented with a full picture of the situation and the potential motivations of the petitioner in seeking a restraining order, the judge may choose to rescind the order. If you are facing criminal charges for domestic violence, you may need to hire a criminal defense attorney to represent you in criminal court.

How Are Domestic Violence Cases Handled in California?

Domestic violence is a crime in California. Although criminal charges could have implications for a family court case, they are handled through criminal courts. If you are charged with committing a crime, the court process typically involves an initial arrest, arraignment, multiple court appearances, plea bargain negotiations, and possibly a trial.

How Can Domestic Violence Charges Affect My Case?

Domestic violence charges will not affect property division and child support matters, but they could have implications for child visitations. If there is credible evidence that one parent poses a danger to family members, a judge may consider that evidence when setting temporary or final child custody orders. Having an attorney can help you protect your family from an abuser or clear your name if you are wrongfully accused.

How Long Does Domestic Violence Stay on Your Record in California?

Any conviction for a crime typically stays on your criminal record indefinitely unless you qualify for action to remove it. This is known as having your record expunged. Having a domestic violence conviction on your record can have serious implications for your personal and professional life. A conviction could also limit your ability to own firearms or seek certain employment opportunities.

Contact Our Domestic Violence Attorney in Orange County

A restraining order can have significant implications for your family court case. If you are in fear for your safety, a restraining order provides important protections for you and penalties for the defendant in the case. Our law firm also represents individuals who are falsely accused of domestic violence. We can take steps to undo the damage caused by false allegations.

Contact us for expert legal assistance with domestic violence matters in Orange County. Our Orange County family law attorneys are dedicated to providing you with the support and representation you need to protect your rights and ensure your safety. Don’t wait—get the help you deserve today. Reach us at (949) 441-1225.

Office Location

2050 Main Street, Suite 600 Irvine, CA 92614

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